Monday, March 14, 2011


So today I brainstormed the different topics an all-in-one guide should cover for us girlies. This is what my creative juices came up with:
  1. Food:  My mother is an amazing cook- growing up with those mouth watering scents lingering every afternoon STILL make my stomach grumble. Now that I'm in college, I need to start cooking for myself.And lets be honest, our generation needs some help in the kitchen area- who really wants to live off pb&j and mac and cheese? NOT ME. I want to spoil myself, and impress my friends with my iron chef skills- and on a budget. So I'm going to guide you through my cooking journeys! 
  2. Friends: College is a time for friendships to grow and blossom, and a time for friendships to end. I've experienced these journies, and still have more to discover. So why not explore the complexities of finding those true friends who will be there through thick and thin.
  3. Relationships: Oh yikes. The R WORD... RELATIONSHIPS. Now I am a free soul, and do not mean that girls always define themselves by a guy. NOT TRUE. But it does seem that many college girls are posed with the difficulties of relationships daily. We find oursleves asking one of the these questions: "do I want a relationship?", "why can't I find a guy?", "are we meant to be together?", or "how should I break up with him?". Guys are unique creatures, and its going to be my mission to help all you lovely darlings out there to decipher them. 
  4. Quotes: So. I have an addiction... a quote addiction. Now, I know it sounds cheesy, but I believe a quote a day is important. It helps us analyze and ponder things we never do, and so I am giving you quotes. A little "chicken noodle soup for the college girls' soul" style if you will.
  5. Health: Now ladies. Our bodies are our temples. Mentally, physically, and emotionally we need to be taking care of ourselves. College is stressful, and we need to fight those slumps we fall so easily into. And I want to help you get out of those slumps!
  6. Academics: Tests tomrrow? Paper due next week? Confusing calculus problem keeps frustrating you? College is one big stress-fest when it comes to the courseload. It can become overwhelming, and I want to help us ladies de-stress for success!
  7. Fashion:  Saved the BEST for last, right? I know at some collegeS, sweats are acceptable. In my opinion, NO! Unless if your running a marathon or sick with the flu, they are unacceptable. Now get creative, feel good about yourself, and look at fashion as an opportunity to showcase your beauty! I know in college we have a tight budget, so I am here to give inspiration and tips on how to dress the part of the FABULOUS women we are.
Cannot wait to start ladies!

<3 Ashley

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